My parents were not happily married. When I was about five years old. I would talk to God and I would say, “Dear God, I think you’ve made a mistake. I’m not supposed to be with this family.” And I would talk like that practically every night...
Zachariah Karp, take one. I grew up in the States, I was born in Washington D.C. to a Jewish father and to a non-Jewish mother. As a child, I was extremely outgoing. I loved people, I smiled a lot, I had a lot of friends, I mean, look at my face. It’s...
I remember, as a little boy, my Orthodox Jewish grandfather would leave the room we were in and go upstairs several times a day. I said to Grandma, “Where does grandpa go every day?” “Oh, she said, “He goes to speak with God.” So I...
Choose Life, Avoid HellJesus/Yeshua, Please hear my prayer. I admit I'm a sinner in need of a Saviour – [Romans 3:10 / 3:23 / 6:23] I believe in my heart that Jesus/Yeshua is Lord – Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and rose again, paying in full the death penalty...
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